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©2024 ODA Architects

Developed with passion by DSTechCode

Residence A stands as a significant milestone in Luxembourg’s design landscape, notably raising consciousness about sustainability and environmental impact within a meticulously guarded zone.

Situated within the commune of Echternach, the house presents a façade that embodies a classic aesthetic, a deliberate concession to adhere to the stringent regulations of this historic city. However, its design ethos diverges significantly from traditional construction approaches.

Beyond navigating the confines of regulations, this project represents the culmination of extensive research aimed at materializing a zero-plastic, ecologically conscious design paradigm within a compact urban setting.

The edifice boasts custom-designed prefabricated wooden elements, the culmination of rigorous testing involving five distinct concepts in collaboration with experts across various domains. This collaborative effort birthed a wholly novel concept, featuring innovative elements meticulously tailored to optimize both energy efficiency and acoustic performance.

The achievement of energy efficiency and superior acoustics hinges on the selection of specific materials. Notably, the exterior walls integrate a dual-insulation system: wood fiber for interior insulation and quark for exterior insulation, with a revolutionary pressed texture interposed between them. This textured layer effectively mitigates external noise, elevating the acoustic standards of the structure.

In essence, this designed wall attains the performance benchmarks akin to a 50cm concrete wall while maintaining environmental integrity and occupying significantly less space.

Residence A stands tall as a multi-story edifice, fulfilling three primary functions: accommodating office spaces, commercial ventures, and residential units within its ambit.

Location:                Echternach, Luxembourg
Program:                Housing, apartments, private residence, house, commerce
Typology:               Multi-family house
Client:                    Private
Size:                       392,54 ㎡
Year:                      2021
Design Team:        ODA Architects
Status:                   Complete

1_Concept Collage JPEG
4-Wiltz 45 04-Plan d`Implantation
7-First Floor
8-Second Floor

Wiltz 45

Residential | 2024 | Wiltz, LU

In the serene landscape of Wiltz Municipality in northern Luxembourg, our architectural endeavor embarked upon crafting a distinctive apartment building harmonizing with the region's allure. Commissioned to conceive three units on a steep terrain spanning five floors, our approach delicately balanced municipal requirements with the intrinsic character of Wiltz's environment.

Intricately analyzing the site's potentials and topography, we sculpted an optimal solution that seamlessly melds regulatory constraints with the natural contours of the land. Perched upon a hillside offering an enchanting overlook of Wiltz's meadows and landscape, our design prioritized an immersive experience with nature.

To embrace the breathtaking panorama, the building's side facing this natural vista boasts an expansive openness, adorned with generous windows inviting the outside splendor into the living spaces. Meanwhile, the street-facing facade, rather than a closed-off entity, embodies a concept we termed "framing the views." Here, specific facade elements intertwine with plant cultivation, harmoniously weaving greenery into the architectural canvas. This design not only respects the site's natural aspects but also shields the units, ensuring privacy while offering a graceful integration into the locale.

The resulting architectural marvel stands as a testament to our commitment to creating a dwelling that seamlessly integrates with Wiltz's unique environment, inviting inhabitants to embrace the serenity and beauty of their surroundings in a harmonious synthesis of function and aesthetics.


Wiltz, LU


Apartement Building



Size ( Bruto )




Project Team

ODA Architects


In Progress

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