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©2024 ODA Architects

Developed with passion by DSTechCode

Residence A stands as a significant milestone in Luxembourg’s design landscape, notably raising consciousness about sustainability and environmental impact within a meticulously guarded zone.

Situated within the commune of Echternach, the house presents a façade that embodies a classic aesthetic, a deliberate concession to adhere to the stringent regulations of this historic city. However, its design ethos diverges significantly from traditional construction approaches.

Beyond navigating the confines of regulations, this project represents the culmination of extensive research aimed at materializing a zero-plastic, ecologically conscious design paradigm within a compact urban setting.

The edifice boasts custom-designed prefabricated wooden elements, the culmination of rigorous testing involving five distinct concepts in collaboration with experts across various domains. This collaborative effort birthed a wholly novel concept, featuring innovative elements meticulously tailored to optimize both energy efficiency and acoustic performance.

The achievement of energy efficiency and superior acoustics hinges on the selection of specific materials. Notably, the exterior walls integrate a dual-insulation system: wood fiber for interior insulation and quark for exterior insulation, with a revolutionary pressed texture interposed between them. This textured layer effectively mitigates external noise, elevating the acoustic standards of the structure.

In essence, this designed wall attains the performance benchmarks akin to a 50cm concrete wall while maintaining environmental integrity and occupying significantly less space.

Residence A stands tall as a multi-story edifice, fulfilling three primary functions: accommodating office spaces, commercial ventures, and residential units within its ambit.

Location:                Echternach, Luxembourg
Program:                Housing, apartments, private residence, house, commerce
Typology:               Multi-family house
Client:                    Private
Size:                       392,54 ㎡
Year:                      2021
Design Team:        ODA Architects
Status:                   Complete

5-Maison Asselborn 13_site_plan

Asselborn House

Residential | 2021 | Asselborn, LU

Luxembourg, renowned for its picturesque single-family houses, is poised for a transformative shift, beckoning a fresh approach to design. Nestled in Asselborn within the commune of Wincrange, this project embodies the essence of Luxembourg while embracing a contemporary twist.

Situated on an expansive plot, the endeavor to construct from the ground up seeks to harmonize with and make optimal use of the surrounding enchanting forest and meadows, culminating in a coherent design.

The architectural form of the building was meticulously crafted to imbue a sense of lightness into a larger structure. This was accomplished by bifurcating the building into two distinct yet harmonious components, connected by a luminous glass structure. This glass element not only adds aesthetic appeal but also ensures natural light permeates even the most confined spaces within the edifice. While adhering to the tradition of a pitched roof, the intentional break in design and use of diverse materials averts a monotonous facade.

This private single-family dwelling spans four floors, comprising a basement housing technical facilities and storage. The ground floor shines with its expansive open layout integrating the kitchen, dining, and living areas, seamlessly merging indoor comfort with breathtaking vistas of the meadows and forest. Enhancing this level is a small courtyard that symbolizes a seamless fusion with nature. The upper floors are dedicated to bedrooms and leisure spaces.

Beyond mere form and function, ODA's pursuit of contemporary design extends to a judicious amalgamation of materials. This amalgam is showcased by the interplay of transparent and solid elements on the exterior, while the interior boasts a harmonious blend of wood, stone-marble, eschewing synthetic materials.

In the pursuit of redefining architectural presence, Maison Asselborn emerges as a testament to ODA's aspiration for innovative design.


Asselborn, LU





Size ( Broto )




Project Team

ODA Architects



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